MetroVet Services

Wellness Labwork

At MetroVet St. Louis, we offer a wide range of laboratory diagnostics to help gain a better insight on your pet’s health, inside and out.

Why Wellness Labwork?

A key to helping our pets live a long, healthy, and happy life is early detection of disease or illness. For pets over the age of 4 years, we recommend performing annual labwork to aid in this early detection and to get a “baseline” should we need to compare labwork results in the future. Even subtle changes in your pet’s test results can signal the presence of illness before any symptoms are apparent.

Screening tests help us catch potential health concerns earlier. Early detection can lead to better outcomes as well as avoiding additional costs associated with treatments is the illness goes undetected.

Here’s what we evaluate on most annual labs:

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A CBC allows us to evaluate red blood cells (like anemia, parasites, dehydration), white blood cells (impacted by infection and inflammation), and platelets (ability to clot blood appropriately).

Organ Function and Status

  • Liver enzymes
  • Kidney enzymes
  • Electrolytes
  • Blood proteins
  • Glucose (blood sugar)
  • Thyroid hormone